What Peppa Pig and CocoMelon Taught Me About Life

Life Lessons from Peppa Pig, CocoMelon, Wishenpoof (TV shows that I watch with my toddler) that help me in self-improvement, like modern-day parables.


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Let the Space

Let it blow like the wind

Let the seeds fall where they may

Let the new shoots push up

And greet the brand new day

Let it hold you in peace

And heal all your pain

Nourishing your soul

Like the falling, silent rain

Let the Space be your guide

Let the stillness softly speak

Your efforts are not needed

to climb the mountain peak

Let the Glory be beheld

with a child’s shiny eyes

The beauty and the light

Is it you in disguise?

Let it soften you to yield

like hard oil to a flame

There is nothing to be done

There is only to remain

Let the Space do the work

Let the Space offer love

Let the falling deep inside

Take you to the treasure trove

When there’s hurting or a loss

Let the Space show you how

To find your way back home

To the perfect, present now

⁃ Elizabeth Lovius June 2019, Royal Foundation of St Katherine, London

About this poem:

This was written in the perfect presence and stillness of The Space at the end of a 3 day workshop on Consciousness with Jayanie Kodituwakku. The question posed was what is possible in the Space? What came to me was a feeling of setting down everything that *I think* life asks of me and just letting life live me from The Space.

I truly see that in the perfect present, all is taken care of. This is my divine prayer to the now.

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