au jardin botanique

N.B. The Japanese Garden in the Botanical Gardens of Montreal has many signs, asking people not to walk on the grass nor feed nor touch the fish. Most people ignore the signs and do it anyway. Then…


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Where do Masters hide?

We can only become masters in a filed we love and feel a profound connection to it… there is no other way.

I like to meet people and listen to their stories. I always enjoy to hear stories of people that become masters in their field, or they are on their way to mastery. They have that passion, that burning desire in their eyes and voice when talking about it. You can feel the excitement and energy they radiate. They are like children… curious, excited and always learning more, asking more questions… better questions.

Every time I meet somebody, I ask them: “How is your day going?”. This is a great to ask. Through this question I can discover how passionate are they about their work. I had the pleasure to meet masters in multiple fields and they all have in common this transcendent passion. As they are talking about their field, you can see that they are almost religious about it. However not all days are good and not all days are productive, even for them.

Few years ago I’ve met Jack (not his real name). He was extremely passionate about business and when he was speaking, there was no other subject on the line. He told me that the hardest thing somebody can do in life is to start and lead a successful business. The stakes are so high and the risks are so insane that this tends to suck the life out of people. But every day, is another great day to fight, another great day to make a difference.

Few years ago I’ve met another passionate person… Linda (not her real name). She was leading a team of software engineers developing software for a big company. She was a true leader and she absolutely loved her job. When she was leading a meeting, things were moving fast and efficient. When she entered the room, people were excited, focused and engaged. When I asked one of her team members about his job, I got an interesting response… “This is the most exciting place I’ve worked for… every day I feel that we are the soldiers fighting a war. Some days are hard and challenging, some are rewarding. But every day, we make a difference and Linda is leading this crusade, like no other”

All of us can become masters. There is no easy answer to the question “How can we become masters?”, because each and every one is different. We become masters in our own way if we can put in the time, effort and passion for something we believe in.

The path to mastery starts with a dream, with a drive to solve a real problem. Then there is the apprentice phase in which we have to learn the domain, the rules of the game and to get as much information as possible from others. When we have acquired some knowledge and we know the basics, we can start to experiment, to ask better, harder questions. When we do that, when we ask the hard questions, our mind starts to free itself.

Without realising, at some point we start seeing our domain domain in perspective, outside of rules, outside of limitations and into the great realm of possibility.

Where do masters hide? They are hiding inside us, behind rules, illusions and fears. They are waiting for us to free them.

Through this article series called “3 Minutes a day for a stronger Mindset” I’m helping you build a solid mindset, writing my point of view on different subjects that we meet in our day by day life. I am a strong believer that once we can understand a subject, we can engage with the idea or refuse it all together. Both ways are helping us grow and develop our own way of seeing the world.

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