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Discipline VS Motivation

You don’t need motivation, you need discipline

How many times have you heard yourself come up with excuses like, “I just feel so demotivated”, or “I’m not in the mood for it”? How many times have you let yourself stray from your schedule on the premise of ‘not feeling up to it’? How many times until enough is enough?

What is discipline? What is motivation? What is the difference – is there even a difference? Of course there is; a fine, thin line, but a line nonetheless.

By definition, discipline is the practice of control respective of rules and code of behaviour, whereas motivation is the reason for behaving in a certain way. Sounds pretty similar, yes? Well, here’s the thing: they have one factor in common: behaviour.

They both orbit around behaviour – the element that propels our future selves forward. So why is this important? Our behaviour affects our future, success, and all in all, our dreams – as unoriginal as that sounds. We won’t get anywhere without the appropriate behaviour, one that lines up with our aspirations. Do you think someone who procrastinates all day can be the paradigm of inspiration? Think again.

How does discipline and motivation correlate to this? Simple: the former keeps our behaviour in line, and motivation is just a catalyst. The reaction still goes on without catalysis; it’ll just be a bit slower. The takeaway here is that the reaction is still ongoing, and that’s most important.

Discipline overrides motivation – simple as that. Relying on motivation only gives you short term results, if it gives you any at all. What will you do when it runs out – wait for its return? That’s what some people do, but I doubt that it is productive. Picture motivation as scooping water up; it’s fleeting, and eventually, it’ll fall through. You won’t always have this scoop of water; you won't always be as motivated as you are.

Now, look at discipline in a new light. It is the bridge to what you want to achieve, your goals, and your aims. Motivation is the initial building block, the kickstart you need to surge forward. Discipline will keep you going; it’ll force you…

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